Toussaint Liberator—Thursday nights 6:30–8:30pm

Drumming and Conversation with Toussaint Liberator

Thursday nights from 6:30–8:30pm

Those of you who were at New England Yearly Meeting sessions will remember Toussaint Liberator, where his warm, exuberant spiritual presence, and his ability to share and teach drumming shone through. We are blessed with his willingness to offer sessions at FMC. New participants are welcome at any time.

Touching Inner Spirit with a Beat led by Toussaint Liberator is a weekly gathering brought to you by Stone of Hope Ministries (under the care of Beacon Hill Friends Meeting) and Gatorwood Upreach with co-sponsorship by FMC’s Peace and Social Concerns and Friends for Racial Justice Committees. Along with drumming, there will be time for conversation about many things including racism.

The sessions will take place in the Meetinghouse. We request a donation of $10 – $20 to support this ministry, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds. There are many ways to contribute other than financially.

Bring your drum if you have one. If not, we will have drums at the Meetinghouse. For more information, please contact Gail Rogers at 413-251-6512.